Bushwalkers of Western Australia





Walking is a year round activity. Bushwalkers of Western Australia Inc (BOWA) based in Perth has a complete annual programme. In Winter (May to October) longer walks of up to 20km in length are undertaken. These require a full day and most of the information about walking presented here applies to these walks. From time to time the Winter programme will include, for variety, a shorter half day walk.  In Summer members maintain fitness by shorter walks around the Perth environs which are completed before midday. On almost every Sunday of the year it is possible to sample the experience of walking with our club. How do I get started?

Winter walks are the mainstay of our walks annual programme. They take place on most Sundays between May and October. The meeting time and location is given in the events calendar. Walks may vary in length from 12 to 20 km or more (shorter for half day walks) depending on the terrain and nature of the course. We walk in all weather. The Bibbulmun track, Monadnocks region, Avon Valley, Toodyay and Serpentine areas are some of the walk locations.

Common meeting points on the walks programme are:

  • Armadale (Railway Station)
  • Midland (Railway Station)
  • Kalamunda
  • Kelmscott
  • Mundaring Hills Visitor Centre

Departure time is precisely as on the programme (usually 9.00 am). For convenience cars are pooled to go from the meeting point to the start of the walk with passengers making a contribution for petrol. The walk leader leads the group along the predetermined route. There may be short breaks for morning and afternoon tea and a break for lunch.

At the walk end the pool vehicles return the group back to the meeting location. The return time varies with the length of the walk
and the length of the drive to and from the meeting point. It is usually between 3.30 pm and 5.00 pm.

If you are interested in joining our club or would like to walk as a visitor go to the How do I get started page.

BOWA Autumn Camp

Our annual gathering revisits Margaret River for a diversity of walks and other activities to enjoy perhaps before or after our BOWA events. The Margaret River Tourist Park on Station Road was popular on our last visit and has a good campers kitchen where we will meet each evening from Monday … Read more...
14:00 h
Special Event