A reasonable level of fitness is essential. This would be the level attained by a moderately active person. If you walk regularly and can walk 3-5km at a steady pace without a break then you are probably fit enough to go bushwalking. If you know that you are very unfit it is important that you work on your fitness level before commencing bushwalking.



A day walker needs:

  1.  Good hiking boots or shoes (broken in) and comfortable socks.
  2.  A backpack (day pack) of about 25-35 litres.
  3. Clothing suitable for all potential conditions - raincoat or rainjacket and pants; warm clothing; sun hat.
  4. A supply of drinking water 1-1.5 litres (more in warmer weather).
  5. Food and tea or coffee as required (lunch and morning and afternoon tea are eaten in the bush).
  6. Sunscrean and basic first aid kit.
  7. Whistle
  8. Completed Walkers Emergency Contact and Medical Information Form.

You must endeavour to be be self sufficient.


Your first walk

Joining your first walk is easy. Pick a suitable walk from the events calendar and telephone the walk leader whose number appears under Contact information.  This is a requirement for all visitors and should be done some days before the walk. The walks are graded for difficulty (easy, medium, medium/hard and hard) and a visitor can use this as a guide.  A walk leader would not allow a new walker on a hard walk unless they were experienced in bushwalking. The leader needs to know you are coming and will also ask you some questions about your experience and equipment. The time and meeting place are given on the events calendar. We depart the meeting place at the time shown on the calendar so advise you to be there at least 15 minutes earlier for the sign on and briefing.

Important:   To minimise risk of COVID 19 spread we require all event participants to comply with current Government COVID -19 directives and recommendations 

Although we are a relaxed and informal group there are a few points to remember:

  • Phone the walk leader before the walk.
  • Walks leave promptly at the stated time. Aim to be at the meeting place 15 minutes earlier.
  • To get from the meeting place to the walk start point the club sometimes pools cars to minimise our impact on the environment. Drivers are reimbursed for petrol.
  • Do not walk in front of the leader.
  • No smoking on club activities.
  • Dogs are not permitted on club walks.
  • Visitors should bring money to cover the $5 walk fee and petrol. The petrol contribution if required may be a few dollars (10c km). Leaders do not carry change.


How walks are graded


Distance Up to 10 km 10-15 km 15-18 km 18-20+ km
Gradient Flat Gentle hills Short steep hills Steep hills
Track Quality Well formed Formed track

Formed and some off-track

Experience Some walking Some bushwalking Some bushwalking

Experienced bushwalker

Walking Time 2-3 hours >4 hours >5 hours >6 hours
Type of Walk Half day Half to full day Full day

Full day or overnight


THIS IS A GUIDE ONLY Walkers are responsible for their own ability to complete a walk.

FOR LEADERS If in doubt you should over rate to avoid attracting walkers who are not capable of completing the event. A GPS or Smart phone can help determine the cumulative elevation of the walk. There are excellent free apps available which allow you to record a prewalk or to download walks from other web sites like www.walkgps.com.au.