What is an account?

Accounts are for BoWA club members only.  By setting up an account you can login to the new BoWA website to view extra information such as club newsletters that can not be seen by non members. An account contains your username, password, email address and telephone number and these are kept secure within the website database.


Why you should have an account.

All members should have an account because this is where your contact details can be kept up to date. Only an email address and telephone number are requested. If these change you may log in and update them yourself. In particular, the contact details for walk leaders and social event organisers use this stored information, so need to be kept current.  Club mailouts will also use the database of email addresses formed by these accounts. Using the membership database will mean that out of date or incorrect details on walk programs will be avoided. For families and couples each person should create their own account.


How to create your account.

  1. Go to http://bushwalkerswa.asn.au/. Click on Register. This may be on the top menu or on the bottom of the page. A page with a number of 'fields'( ie blank boxes) swill appear.
  2. The 'fields' with a red star are needed to register.
  • Name: Your real name which will not be visible to anybody but you.
  • Username: A username (alias) for login.
  • Password: Your password (minimum 8 characters)
  • Email address
  • Phone: Your telephone number
  • Mobile: Mobile number (optional)
  • Fill in the 'Captcha' box  by reading the characters you see and entering them in the space provided. The Captcha step helps safeguard our site.
  1. Write down your new username and password.
  2. Click on the register button at the bottom of the page. If your details are complete a window with this message will appear: "Your account has been created and a verification link has been sent to the email address you entered. Note that you must verify the account by clicking on the verification link when you get the email and then an administrator will activate your account before you can login."
  3. Go to your email acount and open the email which you have been sent from Webmaster BOWA. Click on the link below the text: "To verify the account click on the following link or copy-paste it in your browser: A browser window will open with the message: Your email address has been verified. Once an administrator approves your account you will be notified by email and you can login to the site."
  4. When you receive the confimation email again from Webmaster BOWA your account will be active and then you can login again, this time as a BoWA member to see more informaton and news..