Join your BOWA friends for a movie under the stars at the Moonlight Cinema in beautiful Kings Park. The film follows the life and career of musician Bob Dylan from January 1961, when he moves from Minnesota to New York City, to his 1965 concert at the Newport Folk Festival, resulting in controver…
Join your BOWA friends for a sociable restaurant night at the Karalee Tavern in Como.
The venue has free parking, good access from the freeway and Canning Highway, and good views over the Swan River.
The menu is varied, and payment is when ordering, so no bill-splitting is necessary.
RSVP to N…
Our annual gathering revisits Margaret River for a diversity of walks and other activities to enjoy perhaps before or after our BOWA events.
The Margaret River Tourist Park on Station Road was popular on our last visit and has a good campers kitchen where we will meet each evening from Monday …